I remember when I remember, I remember when I lost my mind There was something so pleasant about that place Even your emotions have an echo in so much space (mmhmm, mmhmm, mmhmm)
And when you're out there, without care Yeah, I was out of touch But it wasn't because I didn't know enough I just knew too much (hmm)
Does that make me crazy? Does that make me crazy? Does that make me crazy? Possibly
And I hope that you are having the time of your life But think twice That's my only advice
Mmm, come on now, who do you Who do you, who do you Who do you think you are? Ha ha ha, bless your soul You really think you're in control? Well
I think you're crazy I think you're crazy I think you're crazy Just like me
My heroes had the heart To lose their lives out on a limb And all I remember, is thinking I wanna be like them Mmhmm, ever since I was little Ever since I was little it looked like fun And it's no coincidence I've come And I can die when I'm done
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